Myofascial Release
About MFR…
Myofascial Release consists of the application of sustained pressure into fascial restrictions in the body. Sustained pressure into restricted tissues will -in time - soften tension, release pain, and restore mobility and function.
Fascia is a rich network of connective tissue that spreads throughout the whole body – from head to toe, fingertip to fingertip – without interruption. The nervous and circulatory system are enmeshed in this web-like network that wraps around and connects muscles into chains for integrated movement.
Trauma, posture, or inflammation can create bound areas in the fascia that place excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, bones or organs, resulting in pain or limited mobility.
This method of bodywork affects the whole body. Pressure is released from one part of the body affects the pressure in the whole body. This change in pressure through the entirety of the fascial matrix of connective tissue results in release of tension and restoration of balance.
Myofascial release has been shown to be effective for treatment of
Back pain
Cervical pain
Chronic pain
Carpal tunnel
Muscle spasms and spasticity
Head trauma
Sports injuries
Rehabilitation post-injury
Restrictive motion
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
Neurological Dysfunction